Monday, July 11, 2011

SuperIma Dammit-It's-Not-Even-Close-to-Sunday Check-In

After original SuperIma Leigh Ann gave me such a sweet shout-out in her post, I went and waited until almost Tuesday to do my check-in.

I've been busy with my new life of juggling personal and professional responsibilities.  We have some issues to work out.  Like, for example, I learned yesterday that I cannot save any work to be done after Nathan goes to bed, because my brain is more or less fried by that point anyway, and it just makes Nathan's bedtime shenanigans all the more stressful. 

Mostly, though, I'm loving my new professional endeavor.  Let me see if I can make a dopey analogy here.  See, my stepdad has a saying, "The crap expands to fill the space."  The saying specifically applies to physical crap that you'd pack for a trip, as in, 0the more space you have in your luggage or vehicle, the more stuff you're going to deem essential to bring. 

I think "the crap expands to fill the space" relates to stress, too.  You more or less have a set amount of stress and mental energy you can devote to any given day.  Either that stress is going to consist of lashing out at your child(ren), getting frustrated by household chores, dealing with interpersonal relationships, or reacting to your professional job.  Or some combination of all those.  What I'm saying is, by devoting some of my stress allotment to a paying job, I find I am getting less stressed about dealing with my kid and my house.

Of course, I've only been at it for four days.  So it's probably too soon to tell. 

Anyway, with my new crazy have-it-all lifestyle (note sarcasm), I truly think this is the perfect week to set some good SuperIma boundaries. 

First, as I said, I'm going to do my very best not to save any editorial work for after Nathan goes to bed.  I can send work-related emails or do clerical-type tasks, but my brain is just too fried for editing after 8 p.m.

Also, I am making a list of chores that I want done by the end of the week, not chores I need to do every single day. 

I am going to wash and fold a load of laundry every day, because I'd rather do my laundry in small chunks than let it pile up.  But then, and here's the part where I let things slide, I am just going to fold the laundry and not worry about putting it away.  Currently I have folded laundry piled up in various clothing categories on my dining room table (not the kitchen table that we eat at), and I've just been taking clothes from the pile as needed.  It's like my Clothing Command Center.  I really think it's a lot easier to have all the clothing in one central location, as opposed to spread out all over several closets and dressers. 

I might try to get the laundry put away by the weekend.  Or maybe not.

Finally, I want to get serious about getting my new office set up.  As I said, I'm going to set it up in my guest room, and right now I'm just going in the guest room and doing my work on top of the bed.  So, excuse me here for using my blog as a to-do list, but in the coming weeks, I want to:

1. Call the painter and set up a time to get the room painted.  (Bill doesn't trust me to DIY.)
2. Get my poster framed.  (Got my JoAnn 55% off framing coupon tacked to my bulletin board!)
3. Buy a desk.
4. Figure out how to repaint the dresser in a funny shabby-chic purple distressed style.  (Is that what it's called?)
5. Buy a sofa bed.  (Might be more like a few months from now.  I'm not sure how much sofa beds cost.) 


In closing, on a completely unrelated note, I want to congratulate Same Old Shannon reader Josie on the birth of her son Jonah today!  When Josie told me that her c-section was scheduled for 7/11, I told her that Free Slurpee Day was such a great birthday, not to mention a cheap birthday party treat idea.  So, let's all congratulate Josie on her adorable new little Slurpee!

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