Monday, August 1, 2011

There Goes the Sun

Last day of swim lessons

This has nothing to do with the trip I'm currently on, but I forgot to tell you the BEST THING that happened the day I left.  It was Nathan's last day of swimming lessons, and his report card said he could MOVE UP TO THE NEXT LEVEL next year!!!

You might be thinking I'm telling you this because I'm bragging about how awesome a swimmer my kid is.  And while I am a former competitive swimmer and would love to see my son be successful aquatically, that's not why I'm excited about my kid moving up.

I'm excited because I won't have to sit in the sun anymore. 

See, for two years Nathan has been in the class called "Splash."  The only place for a parent to sit and possibly see the class, which seems like something I should do if I want to be an involved, supportive parent, is a bench directly in the sun.  At the particular time of the class, the sun's rays are pointing directly at that bench.  You wouldn't think it would be that bad, but it is.  That heat is brutal. 

So, next year I won't have to sit on the Bench of Fire to watch my kid in his Level 1 swim class.  I'll be able to sit on a lounge chair in the shade.  Hallelujah. 

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Yay, Nathan! And I like the new design elements!