Sunday, August 7, 2011

SuperIma Sunday Check-In: Get Me the Hell Out of Dodge Edition

Greetings from San Diego International Airport.  I gotta make this quick. 

My week in California was just marvelous.  From relaxing in the desert with my in-laws, to getting the pampered star treatment from my dad and stepmom, to the all-out crazy-fest that was BlogHer '11, I'd say my first solo trip since becoming a mom was a huge success. 

But, I am D.O.N.E.  Yesterday started to feel like the 14th hour of a day at Disneyland; everything that was once fun becomes overwhelming, and everybody who was once festive becomes annoying. 

Yesterday I found myself annoyed by everything.  I retreated to my hotel room for the majority of the afternoon, but even people on TV were annoying.  I had a nap, and then a walk on the boardwalk by the bay, and then a trip to SoCal must-do Pinkberry yogurt.  I capped off the evening at 3 BlogHer parties: the Social Fiesta (good Mexican food), Aiming Low (free massages), and CheeseburgerHer (where you eat a cheeseburger on a bed with a McDonald's bag on your head).  Like the night before, I found myself loving the free-spirited "let your freak flag fly" attitude at the BlogHer parties.  And some of my fellow party-goers and I discussed some of the ways that other bloggers can be obnoxious and full of themselves. 

But I do think most of the conference attendees were authentic and kind, and the conference ended on a happy note. 

So, now I'm at the airport, sweating as I lug all my new free swag home.  (Bonus: swag = free souvenirs for Nathan.)  Anyway, I have no idea what to expect when I get home.  It could be spic 'n span, or it could be a total disaster.  So, I hesitate to talk about goals or letting things slide or giving myself a break until I get home and find out what I'm up against.  

But this week I do plan to get back to the gym, and do some freelance work, and hug my kid an extra lot.  And generally just bask in the joy of being home, even if home is where the mess is. 


Leigh Ann said...

Sounds like BlogHer was soooo much fun! I wouldn't talk about goals either if I were you.

Mtake said...

I don't read many blogs, but I do enjoy your writing. In your essays, you manage to say your true and not-so-rosy-and-sweet thoughts and feelings.... and then temper and analyze them from the warm side of your heart.

Cyndie said...

Way to go! Your first trip sans family! Makes you appreciate home. So click your heels together, and you'll be there shortly! I really do enjoy your blog because you are such a good writer, you tell it like it is, and you make me proud to be a mom! Thank you. Keep doing what you're doing. You will be successful!