Monday, April 18, 2011

Super Ima Oops-I-Fell-Asleep-on-Sunday Check-in

Let me begin by congratulating our Super Ima host Leigh Ann on some really awesome news she got RE: the potential publishing of her YA novel this week! Also it was her birthday this past week, so go over and wish her well!

Now, as the title of this post suggests, I fell asleep Sunday night without doing my Super Ima check-in. The weekend picked up after my Saturday slump, and the whole thing tired me out tremendously.

Despite my bad attitude that day, date night turned out to be pretty awesome (in a strictly G-rated way). We went out to dinner at our local slightly-nicer-but-not-too-fancy place. I ended up being a bad Weight Watcher (shocker), although I did eat seafood like I promised I would. We got the shrimp de jonghe appetizer, followed by the lobster bisque, and then I got tilapia stuffed with crab as an entree. (Bill got ribs, which this place has a special patented plate for, so it's an entree that encompasses two of Bill's interests: ribs and intellectual property law.) Oh and I ate approximately half a loaf of bread (remember my weakness around bread baskets), and for dessert I ate some jelly beans in the car.

Anyway, we actually got the opportunity to have some decent conversations. We talked about some stuff going on at Bill's work, and I discussed my ongoing What the hell should I do with my life? struggles. Not that we came to any conclusions on the latter issue, which is unfortunate because you'd think for a $70 dinner and a $30 babysitting bill, you could at least come away with some decent answers.

We didn't end up going to the movies, just because the timing didn't work out, and we didn't want to see anything badly enough to pay another $30 in babysitting fees.

On Sunday I had the swim of my life at the gym. Okay, not so much the swim of my life, but the swim of maybe the last two years. I swam a whopping 2,700 yards, which is probably like a warm-up for Michael Phelps, but is pretty good for me. That's 1.5 miles, which is half of what I'd have to swim if I did this 5K lake swim in September. (Of course, there's the issue of pool-swimming versus lake-swimming, which is a boring technical discussion that nobody wants to have right now.)

Then the family and I went to the mall, where I once again fell victim to some Bath & Body Works sales schemes. They were having the buy 3, get 3 free sale (you know, like they do like half the time), which is especially dangerous because I really only want two things, but then I figure if I just buy one more, I could actually get 4 more for the same price. Then I get home and realize that I have approximately 12 Bath & Body Works products, a total possibly only reached one other time, after Christmas 1996, and that I really need to stop buying bath products.

So, as you can see, it was a very full Sunday, and that's why I fell asleep without doing my check-in.

Last week's goal was pretty dumb anyway. It was just Be Happy. Which is always a good goal, but kind of a poorly-defined one, and one that is difficult-if-not-impossible to measure. When I wrote that goal I was exhausted and frazzled from my Snow White performances, and it was a miraculous 85 degrees out, so my brain was too hot to think.

Oh well, no problem with heat today! It snowed this morning.

So, I do think I was pretty happy overall this week, with the exception of some frustrating swims and my poor Technorati ratings. Which, I think we can agree, are the worst problems ever, worst in the sense that they barely qualify as problems. So, I was pretty happy, I think. I kind of wonder if part of my happiness had to do with my (mostly) rigid adherence to Weight Watchers. Many people say that if you don't snack incessantly on simple carbohydrates (or as I like to call them, "love"), you will feel better. Could those people be right? Dammit, I hate when people are right.

But I also think there's something calming and reassuring about order and predictability, all of which comes from planning and tracking your meals. So maybe that's why I was happy. But I do remember thinking sometime this week, "Man, this weather is really crappy. I'm so glad I don't have to worry about this causing a deep depression anymore." I call that progress.

This week I think I'm going to set a goal based on some sort of professional activities. Leigh Ann has done a great job carving out time to write, and she has three kids and they are all under three. So I should be able to try harder to carve out time for myself in my one-kid life.

Therefore, my goal this week is to spend one hour per day on some sort of professional-ish, non-childcare, non-housework, non-cooking activity. I need to try harder with Technorati and with Blogcritics, not that those pay you or anything, but at least I'm working on getting blog hits.

Anyway, I always hesitate to set a goal with a time-based measurement, because even when I will be spending the time doing something enjoyable, it ends up feeling like an obligation. Oh crap, it's 4:00 and I haven't spent an hour doing X yet! But you're supposed to set measurable goals, right?

Right. So that's my goal.

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