Friday, December 17, 2010

Random Holiday Photos

So yeah, I got my cat a Santa hat and beard:

I can see the headline: Housewife, 32, Mauled to Death by Angry Housecat

Then today was Nathan's preschool party. The invitation said, We're expecting a special surprise guest! Sarcastically, I said to Bill, "Hmm, who could it be?!" To which Nathan nonchalantly replied, "I think it's Santa." This generation is so jaded.

There was a whole-class group shot with Santa, but of course my kid wouldn't participate in it. So I'm not going to show that one. Here he is with his party snacks:

I signed up to bring an appetizer, which I interpreted as "Goldfish." And it's not just because it was a party for preschoolers. I'd totally serve Goldfish as an appetizer at a party for adults, too!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Every year we bring out our cats' santa hats and put them on for about 30 seconds to watch them slink around looking totally pissed and freaked out. Always a good way to kick off the holiday season!