Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 in Review: Television

I didn't really add any new shows to my TV-viewing repertoire this year. As I said in this post from October, I did start watching the show Outsourced, but I thought it was dumb and I didn't stick with it. So no new shows for me this year, which means I'll just be writing about the same old shows I've always watched.

First up, staying at the top of my list for 5 years in a row now, 30 Rock! That show just gets better and better! And at this point, when people ask which living celebrity I'd like to have lunch with, it's no surprise that I say Tina Fey. In the past I would have picked some attractive male celebrity (hello, Joel McHale), but at this point, wouldn't an attractive male celebrity just take pity on a boring, out-of-shape suburban housewife?

Anyway, 30 Rock continues to be awesome, and the live show was really bold and daring, and plus Julia Louis-Dreyfus guest-starred on it, and I love a 30 Rock-Seinfeld connection.

Another show I like is Community, largely because of the afore-mentioned extreme hotness that is Joel McHale. I'm a little concerned about Community, though, because they have just gotten too weird this year. Like the Halloween episode, where everybody was infected with some deadly virus? And it wasn't even a dream or anything? And then the holiday episode was all Claymation, and that was a little too gimmick-y. They do enough normal shows in between the weird ones that I'm still watching the show, but it's too early in the run of the show to get so weird.

Speaking of shows that are going downhill too quickly, Glee. Last year I loved Glee because there was finally a music show with a high production value. I liked that we could all sort of relate to the outcasts in the glee club, because I think most of us felt like outcasts in some way or another. (Which is a weird irony, because most people go through high school thinking everybody else besides them has it all figured out, when in reality, nobody does.)

Anyway, Glee was good last year, but this year it's making me mad. Mr. Schuester is just dumb and inappropriate, like where he put on those little skimpy shorts and sang a Brittney Spears song at a school assembly. Also the timeline of that show is never realistic, like how did Kurt plan that entire elaborate wedding in the span of one episode? And if the glee club is so broke that they can't afford a handicapped-accessible bus, how did they afford that expensive onstage rain effect during the Gwenyth Paltrow episode? It's getting to the point that watching Glee is becoming a chore for me, so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't show up in my 2011 year-end TV review.

I also can't forget to include Mad Men on my list of TV shows for 2010, even though I tend to forget it exists because it's only on like 15 weeks a year. HELLO?! What are you people at AMC doing the rest of the year? Is Jon Hamm just too busy with his jam-packed schedule of looking hot all the time? Anyway, I will not discuss specific plot points on Mad Men, partially because I already forgot half of them, but mostly because I know a lot of people watch that show on DVD and I don't want to spoil anything for them. But let me just say that Mad Men is the true definition of a train wreck (in the figurative sense): everything is just a giant mess all the time, and it's painful to watch, but you just can't look away. But as an aside, the clothes are often very glamorous, as are the lifestyles in general (who wouldn't want to drink at work?), but then you feel bad for even admiring such a life because that era was generally kind of messed up.

The only other show I watched regularly this year was Modern Family, which I don't have much to say about. It's funny. I mean it won the Emmy for Best Comedy, so of course it's funny. And I do like that it has a gay family, and that, as I also said about The Kids are All Right, the gayness is not constantly mentioned or dwelt upon.

Well, that's it for the shows I watched this year. Of course I also watched a lot of crap cable (Hoarders and I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant) and a lot of good cable (Martha Stewart and The Daily Show), but I don't want to write a paragraph about every single show I watched, or I'd be writing this post until 2011.

As a personal aside here, I am admitting that I'm back-dating this post. I did start writing it on the 30th when I was at my dad and stepmom's house in SoCal, but I didn't have time to finish it before Bill had to pack up the computer so we could go to the airport. I tried to finish it on the iPad at the airport, but it was hard to navigate the post-editing function and I was in no mood to deal with it. We got home after midnight last night, and so I'm finishing this post up around noon on the 31st. Anyway, all of this is to say that I'm back home in Illinois, and to some pretty decent winter weather, I must say.

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