Sunday, June 12, 2011

SuperIma Sunday Check-In

It was an up-and-down kind of week.  First we experienced the unseasonable heat and the complete failure of our home air conditioning, which put me in a crabby mood.  Then we went on the little vacation, which obviously put me in a good mood.  Then we got back and I just felt confused and flustered and generally adrift.  I thought it was a bout with The Big D again, but I think it's more just your typical womanly hormones.

Last week my goal was to be out of the house as much as possible, and with the combination of the heat and the two-day trip, I pretty much achieved that goal.  The only thing is, I kind of spent a lot of time moping around the house after we got back, because I felt like Nathan really needed some quiet downtime at home between the excitement of the trip and his first day of camp tomorrow.  And I generally think he had some really positive downtime doing the sort of simple activities that are cleansing for a young child, playing quiet imaginative games around the house.

Here's the thing, though.  Quiet imaginative games can make a big fat mess.  All weekend long Nathan played with toys and built blanket caves and mixed up various potions, and all weekend long I was one step behind him trying to clean all this stuff up.  His newest thing is to try to block doors "so burglars can't get in," by filling up some large container with several smaller items and putting it in front of the door.  So now when I want to get something out of a closet, I have to contend with a laundry basket full of blankets and various assorted toys.

Now I want out of the house again.

Anyway tomorrow begins a whole new era, The Camp Era, which may last anywhere from one to eight weeks.  Last year camp was a big disaster for Nathan, namely because he kept peeing on the floor.  I think he's potty-trained well enough now that we have that issue under control, but I just don't know whether or not camp will be an overall positive experience for us.  Currently I have him signed up for all eight sessions so we can guarantee our spot, but I can pull him out and get a refund for any weeks we decide not to go. 

So, my point is, we'll be transitioning again, but also introducing structure back into our lives, which is something that has been sorely lacking in the two weeks since school ended. 

I eagerly welcome the structure back.  I need to have a daily reason to get out of the house.  And I need to get back on track with healthy behavior like eating right and exercising, which always seem  easier to do when I have some other structure in my life. 

So, my goals for the week are to get reorganized with my life and to stop engaging in behaviors I feel bad about.  (Those behaviors being: eating crappy food, wasting time, and doing half-assed exercise.)  I usually attempt to avoid personal improvement goals for the SuperIma check-in, because such goals have a great potential to just make me feel worse about myself, which isn't in the spirit of the check-in.  But I think this week if I don't do something to clear out the muddy directionless pile of thoughts swirling around in my head, I might go insane. 

I have a kid who won't go to bed, so I have to end this to go deal with him. 

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