Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Well, will ya lookie here ...

So, blah, blah, blah, exciting introduction ... yadda, yadda, yadda trumped-up fanfare ... something something I'm doing National Blog Posting Month again:

(Also known as ... bleh NaBloPoMo bleh.) 

You know the drill.  You blog every day in November.  

I signed up because I needed a kick in the pants to get to my goal of 365 posts.  In October in general, but in the last week in particular, I have just not wanted to blog.  

And that's cool.  Because, outside of me, nobody cares if I write 365 posts this year.  I'm doing it for myself, because it's a hobby of mine and I like it.  So if I suddenly stop liking it, what's the point in doing it?  

So, this past Saturday, I resolved to just give up on the whole 365 posts thing. 

But quitting didn't sit well with me.  Quitting with just 2 months to go in the year is like dropping out of a marathon after 21.8333333333333333333333333 miles.  (I did the math.)  There are many good reasons to drop out of a marathon less than 5 miles before the end, namely that you are facing some sort of adverse health situation that might kill you if you don't stop running.  And I assume there are analogous, much less life-and-death, but still proportionate on a blogging scale, reasons to quit your year-long quest to write a blog post every day.  For example, you could suddenly have some major life change like a new job or a baby or something.  

But since I have neither of those things, nor any other major life change going on with me right now, and really all I have is this dumb quest to write 365 blog posts, I may as well give it a go.  

(Let me pause and say that, if it wasn't clear before, I was not equating the running of 26.2 miles with the comparatively minor task of sitting here and talking out of my ass on the Internet for an entire year.  I was just using the proportionately-similar-but-not-at-all-on-the-same-caliber example of the marathon.  That's why I calculated that number using proportions.  As always, math saves the day.) 

So, I am doing NaBloPoMo in November to motivate me to get this whole 2011 blogging thing wrapped up.  Because my recent blog laziness has led to a drop in my Blog Grade, down from the mid-90s to 59 at the time of this writing.  I don't even know what scale it's on, but I'm pretty sure 59 is an F, and I've never gotten lower than a B+ OMG MY EYE IS TWITCHING.  Must improve this totally pointless and arbitrary ranking!

Welcome to November and NaBloPoMo, everyone!


Melisa Wells said...

Whee! Me too! said...

You are certifiable. Good luck, though. I hate Nablopomofo. But I hate quitting, too.

Heh. Talking out of your ass. You said ASS. Swear words are funny.