Monday, September 12, 2011

Bend It Like Nathan, Which Is, You Know, Not At All

Nathan's main strength as a soccer player is that he looks adorably cute in his uniform. Here he is taking the field for his first soccer game on Saturday:

His team is called the Purple Dogs. 

His first position was goalie:

Not one attempted goal came his way the entire time he was goalie, because most of the action was on the other side of the field.  Soon Nathan was relieved of his position and another kid got a chance at goalie.  So now he was out on the field with everybody else.

Well, he was with everybody else until the ball came, and then everybody else ran after it while Nathan stood there and looked the other way:

I'm told a lot of kids are confused like this their first year of soccer.  I myself was intimidated by the ball when I played soccer, and I was ten.  So I can understand why Nathan was a little bit overwhelmed by the end of the game:

He just needed a hug:

I don't care that the child isn't showing an immediate aptitude for soccer ... EXCEPT that I was kind of counting on soccer to give him some exercise and wear him out.  As it is right now, he's the only kid coming off the soccer field brimming with energy. 

But, like I said, at least he looks cute in his uniform. 


Lisa Noel said...

my middle son was like this in baseball but has done well at soccer. maybe soccer isn't his thing. OR maybe try seeing if there is another game he could watch to sort of see how it's done.

Diana said...

I can see why it is confusing. We spend a lot of time as parents telling our children NOT to take things away from other children and now it's time to steal the ball!

Mtake said...

The old soccer days. Ah, I remember them well, quite fondly too. Oh yes, and there was that episode of a little fox terrier running out on the field during half time. Stories we will be telling our children's children. And, Nathan will add many more.