Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Nope, I Was Wrong: Today Was the Best Day Ever

Summer of Simplicity is in full swing.  (Though I imagine it will go on hiatus for a few days as this icky rain and cooler weather comes in.) 

Today we had another impromptu wading pool "party."  I don't want to brag or anything, but I kinda feel like my backyard is the place to be this summer.  We've got the slightly-bigger-than-most wading pool, a sandbox, bubbles, and comfy patio furniture.  Oh, and we're next to a park, so there's that option for when the weather dips below 90 degrees and 100% humidity.  Also I promise to keep the freezer stocked with popsicles. 

I am starting to feel like a halfway-decent entertainer, though I acknowledge that everybody's standards for a good time get waaay lower when there are small children to be entertained.  But I have always been a very insecure entertainer.  I always feel like nobody wants to come to any party I would host, and I take it very personally if there's a low turnout. 

But, a few things have made me more secure about my entertaining skills.  First there is the afore-mentioned presence of children, because a party becomes all the more attractive to potential guests when it promises to wear out energetic children.  Second is the advent of non-oral methods of communication.  Nowadays you can invite people to any playdate, party, or gathering via Facebook, text, email, or Evite, so there isn't that awkward moment when the person has to make a snap decision as to whether to accept or reject your invitation.  My social life has improved tremendously since we have all stopped talking to each other on the phone. 

Of course, it helps to have fun, attractive toys and/or a park in your backyard.  And if people are just using me for my location, I'm kind of fine with that.  At least I have a social life now. 

I'm excited because outdoor entertaining is a huge thing in my husband's family, and we have attempted to carry on this tradition by making our backyard as fun as possible. 

The Summer of Simplicity begins!


Ashley said...

I was sitting outside while Cooper played yesterday afternoon wishing I had a friend to sit with me and chat! Too bad we don't live closer - Your set-up sounds fun!!

Leigh Ann said...

Yay for simplicity! Yay for a social life since texting became mainstream!
(I had the same experience, only hosting a preschool playdate for the first time ever last year and planning it entirely via email and text.)