Now that I live in a snowy climate, there are things I like about snow (namely, it's pretty), but there are also a lot of weather-related hassles that I didn't know about before we moved here. There's the shoveling. And the gigantic, time-consuming drag it is to locate and put on approximately 17 pieces of snow gear on yourself and your kid before going out. And because of the shoveling and the gear, you often just decide you're better off staying home. This is a phenomenon I call snowflaking, as in, "I was gonna go to the mall, but I totally snowflaked."
Snowflaking is responsible for a lot of poor mental health. And when you've been in your house all day and you feel like the walls are caving in, and your kid is so stir-crazy he's actually throwing handfuls of flour on the carpet (true story), it's time to get out. Good thing this week's You Capture challenge at I Should be Folding Laundry was "Outside." So I could grab my flour-covered kid and be all, "We have to go outside. Mommy needs pictures for a blog post."
The first thing that happened was that we slid on our asses on some sidewalk ice. So I decided to put down some salt. (Note to Californians: You buy big bags of salt because it makes the ice melt, and then you aren't The Jerk Who Tripped the Mailman.) The only receptacle I could find for the salt was this dump truck we used for sand at the beach. I feel like it's our own personal version of the city salt trucks that drive down the streets, which I call the Salt Spitters.
And then some more pictures:
Look how beautiful and uniform they are!
The residents of this house were smart enough to relocate to their southern house for the winter.
This poor snowman. Not only was he decapitated and dismembered, but then a dog peed on his lifeless body.
And speaking of winter misfortune ... glove loss! Every single year I lose several gloves, so that by February I'm wearing two different gloves (if I'm lucky enough to have a right and a left glove by then). But this poor person lost both gloves, and look how pretty they are:
The story of the black gloves has a happy ending, however, as it appeared that the gloves and their owner were reunited by the time I came back to that same spot.
Love the snowballs and the photo of the red gloves - great captures!
You crack me up... as always. I am a total "snowflake"... as in, I should probably bundle up my boys and take them outside but I snowflaked.
We warm climate-midwest transplant people need to stick together. I miss my Florida beaches even more this time of year.
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