I really like the snow that sticks to the tree branches. It has to have a certain water content to stick to the branches. Sometimes if it's too heavy, huge clumps of snow fall off the trees and land on your car with a thud, so you're like, "OMG, WTF was that?!" Because I always talk in Internet acronyms.
Anyway, here are some snowy trees in my front yard:
This next picture is of my backyard, which backs up into a park. Somebody puts up pretty Christmas lights on a park tree every year, and it's one of those things that puts a smile on your face every time you notice it. I took this photo through a glass door, which I had to keep shut because a certain little kitty was itching to get out. (Dumbass. She'd be out there 15 seconds before her pansy indoor cat feet would freeze.) Anyway, since I was kind of far away, I put a big green arrow on there so you could (kind of) see the tree with the lights.
And then I took this next one with the retro camera app on my phone. It's in my front yard, which has a flagpole, courtesy of the very-patriotic previous owners of my home. So that flagpole kind of cuts into the photo. I'm calling it "Christmas 1945," because 1945 seems like a year when people would be very patriotic and would have a flagpole cutting into a photo like that.

I'm like Ansel Adams, if Ansel Adams took pictures with an Android A855 phone.
Oh and BTW, you probably can't see it, but our semi-weird across-the-street neighbors are selling their home! I hear this is a really great real estate market, so hopefully the house will sell quickly and some super-cool new neighbors will move in, ones who have a kid Nathan's age. And possibly there would be a smart-ass mom who could be friends with me, one who doesn't say things like, "Isn't motherhood a wonderful gift?" or use the word binky.
Actually, one problem I have with the current across-the-street neighbors was really my own fault. The mom was out there one day with a newborn in a Snuggly. And my dumbass was all, "Oh, I didn't even know you were pregnant!" Now, the thing is, this mom is a little bit on the overweight side (pot calling the kettle black), and so I was kind of like saying, "Wow, you really hid that pregnancy under all that fat!" It was the kind of thing that you hear as soon as it's out of your mouth and you wish you could retract. But, in my defense, I only saw her a few times from across the (fairly wide) street, and it was winter, so she was probably wearing a thick coat. But now I kind of think she hates me.
And P.S.: Shoveling sucks.
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