Monday, July 13, 2009

Welcome to My New Blog!

A lot of people go on a blogging hiatus and then start right back up again on the same blog. Me, I wanted a new one.

My old blog was going in an ugly direction. I wrote mostly about my struggles with depression. Which is all fine and good, because depression is a very real illness and those were very real feelings. I do not want to suggest that depressed people, myself included, are big fat whiners. We have legitimate problems, people.

But for now I don't want to write about those problems and turn my blog into some depression blog. This is not to say I'm completely "over" my mental health issues, because in my opinion depression is something I will always struggle with.

Lately, however, I feel like I have turned a corner. And I wanted to turn a corner in the blogosphere, too.

So I started Same Old Shannon. The title has several meanings to me. First of all, it is of course derived from a popular saying in which "Shannon" is substituted for another word that starts with the same initial sound. And also the "different day" part refers to my afore-mentioned new direction in blogging.

Additionally, "Same Old Shannon" says something about my constant struggle to find my identity. I write a lot about how to keep a little piece of myself now that I'm a mother and wife, particularly since quitting my job last fall. And I want to remind myself that, no matter what happens in my life, I am still the Same Old Shannon.

Thank you for reading!


mike said...

yay for the new blog! i look forward to reading about the new adventures of same old shannon!

Anonymous said...

I love the water behind your blog name. Very Shannonesque!

caramama said...

Nice new blog! I am glad you are back to blogging, no matter where you are writing. :-)

Cindy Fey said...

What caramam said!