Monday, April 18, 2011

Just a Boring Account of My Day, Because It's Good to Keep Track and Whatnot

I decided to start going to Weight Watchers meetings regularly on Monday mornings. I needed a little more regularity in my dieting schedule. I have two friends who go on Mondays, and I figured the peer pressure would keep me honest.

I was disappointed in my weight loss this week, given how (mostly) disciplined I was last week. On the other hand, I hadn't weighed in for about three weeks, and during those three weeks my eating was really up and down, so who's to say how much I really lost last week? In the end, I was down after three weeks, and even though I wasn't down as far as I wanted to be, I guess the most important thing is that my weight is going in the right direction.

The leader gave us an interesting assignment for the week. You are supposed to fill out the paper tracker (the little booklet where you write down everything you eat), and then next week we are going to trade trackers and look at what other people ate. I kind of like this assignment, because it is really keeping me honest. I have been enjoying using the online tracker, but I'm much more thorough in my records on the paper one now that I know others are going to see it. So, like, I'm filling out the parts where you keep track of how many fruits/vegetables you eat, how much water you drink, and so on.

I also like how trading trackers will give us new food ideas. People often make food suggestions in the meetings, and those are helpful, but it's the same people speaking up every single week. By trading around the trackers, we'll get to see what a lot of people are eating. And I like to think I'm giving some good suggestions, because I've been cooking a lot this week out of the Weight Watchers cookbook.

Unfortunately I had to bring Nathan to the meeting, which is something I haven't done since he was a baby and could be kept occupied with a big carrot to chew on. He had a slight cold today, and therefore was extra annoying. He will not be coming to Weight Watchers again, at least not until he's older and fatter and needs to lose weight himself, probably with his future wife.

In an attempt to get some activity points on my soon-to-be-public tracker, I went swimming at the gym after the meeting. I kicked some ass, beating yesterday's 2,700-yard swim by a whole 100 yards!

But then we finished the gym at about noon, and I started to feel guilty that I had spent the whole morning doing things for myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.

We ate lunch. I made two batches of Rice Krispie treats with M&Ms for Nathan's school bake sale. I have mixed feelings about bake sales. I mean, they're cute and nostalgic and embody the true spirit of grassroots community fundraising, but at the same time it is a lot of work to make stupid baked goods. (I only call them "stupid" because I'm on Weight Watchers and can't eat any of them.)

After lunch I took Nathan to his high school program, and then I somewhat guiltily took a nap during my free hour. Then I picked Nathan up and went home and cooked. And cooked and cooked and cooked. Or, you know, it felt like that. I made a Weight Watchers meatloaf that we're going to eat tomorrow night, because tomorrow I want to take Nathan to have his picture taken with the Easter Bunny, and I didn't think I'd have a full 90 minutes to make a meatloaf tomorrow.

But for tonight's dinner I made crepes. I topped them with strawberries and whipped cream, and I made eggs and hash browns with them. I really think I eat too many eggs. I'm probably on the verge of a cholesterol problem. Which would make me the only person in the world to end up with a health problem because of losing weight.

I decided, as per this week's tip in the Weight Watchers literature, to pre-track my eating for tomorrow. I wrote down everything I am going to eat, and the exercise I'm going to do. Which I feel uneasy about. I'm very superstitious about making plans for the future like that. I worry that I'll get some sort of injury in the morning before the gym, and then I won't be able to do the exercise I planned, even though I already wrote it down, dammit, I already wrote it down.

So, I used all this energy going to Weight Watchers and exercising, as well as cooking, planning, measuring, and tracking my food, and now I'm too tired to do anything else. I'm failing at my goal to do some alleged professional activity. I feel selfish and overwhelmed. I feel like trying to lose weight is like a part-time job.

The end.

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