But I do try to find all kinds of activities for the boy and me to do, and lately it has started to feel IN.SANE.
Between the gym, preschool, storyhour, Gymboree, playdates, blogging, and the basic functions required to sustain daily life for 3 humans and a cat, it feels like I'm going, going, going all day long. Run a quick errand after Spin class, and it's time to start making lunch. And my so-called free time while Nathan is at preschool? Forget it. By the time I go to the gym, shower, and do some errands, I'm rushing to pick him up.
And lately I have been creating a lot of stress for myself based on blogging-based activities. This button I created yesterday took up every single between-activities period I had yesterday. By the way, do you want one?
Copy and paste the code below:
Anyway. It's frustrating that I'm spending so much time on blog-based tasks that I'm not sure will ever translate into any kind of revenue for me. But, this blog makes me so, so happy. Getting to write and share with you, and getting your feedback, gives me something better to think about than parenting struggles and dieting problems. And it makes me feel like I am so much more than just some lame suburban housewife. It makes me feel like I'm destined to do more.
So, buoyed by the good vibes from this blog, I would like to announce two new online endeavors:
1. I have a new ChicagoNow blog, Parenting Gone South. ChicagoNow is an online community affiliated with the Chicago Tribune (though sort of in the way that Old Navy is affiliated with Banana Republic). Parenting Gone South is a guide to fun stuff to do in the south Chicago suburbs, with a little bit of trademark Shannon smart-assery thrown in. I realize many of you don't actually live in the Chicago suburbs and this will be of no interest to you, but I had to pick a blog niche that ChicagoNow hadn't already covered. Also you can join my Facebook group here.
2. The blog I used to write for, Chicago Moms Blog, which is part of the larger SV Moms Group, has been resurrected in the form of a new women's channel on media conglomerate Technorati. So we have all been invited to write for that. And you know how I said that I don't routinely use the term uniques in my day-to-day speech? Well, Technorati allegedly gets 179 million uniques per month, which would be a lot of people reading my stuff. Er, maybe. Of course, there's a lot of competition on there, so I'm not an automatic shoo-in for World's Best Blogger (as Farrah comically referred to my goal).
And, in conclusion, I am sorry if you thought this post was going to be about ironing. As previously mentioned, I don't really do that.
1 comment:
There are a lot of words that end up working their way into my vocabulary mostly because I spend so much time saying I don't use them. For example, I hated calling the group of students I entered grad school with my "cohort", but after I said I hated it a few times I started using it spontaneously. Words are tricky like that.
Also, I hate ironing.
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