--Daniel Burnham, famous Chicago architect
Babble is a popular parenting website. Every year, Babble makes a list of the Top 50 Mom Bloggers.
And next year, I will be on that list.
It's a lofty goal, for sure. It's like training-to-swim-in-the-Olympics lofty. But what's the harm? I mean, in the case of the swimming thing, the harms might be: subjecting myself to the inevitable crushing blow of defeat, lots of money/time spent on private coaches, general exhaustion that renders me incapable of carrying out life's daily functions, perpetually chlorinated dry skin that no lotion can cure, etc., etc., etc.
But I meant there's no harm in trying to make it on Babble's Top 50 Mom Bloggers list. I'm typing this stuff anyway, and it's free, and there's no risk of skin damage. And to quote a magnet on my mother-in-law's refrigerator, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars." (The actual source of this quote, according to the Internet, is motivational speaker Les Brown.)
Now, for sure, I'm coming from behind here. I'm like Susan Boyle, or the Mighty Ducks, or any other situation where the underdog wins. The following are reasons why I'm not even qualified to be on the same Internet as the existing Top 50:
1. Most people haven't heard of me.
2. I have 11 followers on Twitter. (Follow me, @sameoldshannon, won't you?)
3. I don't make any money off advertisements.
4. I don't have a private blog designer.
5. Nobody ever asks me to review anything, give anything away, tour their facilities, or have a free dinner (in the name of my blog, I mean).
6. I do not routinely use terms like "hashtag," "SEO," or "uniques."
7. I don't do a good job of "marketing my brand."
So, you know, I'm kind of a longshot for the Top 50. But stranger things have happened. So, Babble, I'm throwing my hat into the ring!
Help me, will you? If you tell one friend about me, and each of those friends tells one friend, and each of those friends ...
This sounds like a pyramid scheme.
But seriously, you guys are doing the most awesome job of telling your friends about me, and please keep up the good work! I love you guys, and it makes me so happy to get all your comments.
And if you feel so inclined, please grab my new blog button for your own site! It's over to the right, and for today only (and probably some other days, too), it's right here:
Copy and paste the code below:
And yes, I'm aware of the irony that I am the underdog, but that's a picture of a cat. That's to signify that I'm so much an underdog that I'm not even a dog at all. Also I just like cats better.
In closing, let me note that I'm aware of the insanity of this goal. But, to quote every single person in a bar looking for a justification to order more drinks ...
Go big or go home.
best wishes on this adventure!
You can do it!
I don't twitter, but I read you everyday! And, shared your link with my Facebook page. And, well, you know... if it's on Facebook, you're pretty famous. =)
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