The trip out went well, although holy crap 9 hours of airports and flying with a 3-year-old is a lot. The first flight was 4 hours long, and in that time we could have gotten all the way to California, but unfortunately we had a layover in Phoenix. Nathan sat in his seat the entire 4 hours and didn't get up, and he mostly did this activity book I got at Costco, so I can't complain about his behavior. But he emerged from that flight like a bat out of hell, running through the Phoenix airport like nobody's business. Unfortunately our connecting flight was just about 50 feet from the gate where the first flight landed, which was at Concourse C, so we took a little run out to Concourse D, where there was a Starbucks. Ironic that Nathan had to burn off some energy and I had to get some coffee to get myself some more energy. Anyway, we got on the second flight, which was an hour, and then we landed in the O.C. and my dad and stepmom picked us up, and then we went to Chipotle on the way home, and went home and crashed.
Today we went to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. My brother and SIL came with us, since they live in the area. After a petting zoo, playground, lunch, and some walking around, we got in the long-ass line for the tram tour. The line was an hour long, but unfortunately when we got to the front they said a tram had broken down out on the trail and was blocking a bunch of other trams from getting through. So that added another half an hour to the wait. So, you know how when you wait in a line at an amusement park, they do that sort of zig-zag formation so they can pack a big long line into a small space, and they separate the rows of people with metal bars? Well, Nathan was hanging off those bars, and I swear I was holding him, but I turned away to put away my cell phone and he fell backward on his head. And somebody called the park medics and we had to go with them, and they had to fill out all these reports, and take photos of his head for their records. And I was freaking out. My baby!! But my dad kept assuring me it was a CYA move and I shouldn't worry. (All the while he was saying, "Wow, he really fell hard!") Anyway, we took the tram tour, and he seemed normal enough, throwing a tantrum and all. Then we had a $5 slushie and he ran up and down this big grassy hill with a bunch of other kids, and he raced me back to the entrance, and then finally he fell asleep in the car. But of course I was still freaking out. The stupid paper the paramedic gave me said that I should watch him for the next several days for a variety of symptoms, including drowsiness. So even though he fell asleep in the car after a very long and exhausting day at a big amusement park, I still freaked out.
Anyway, we had dinner at this Italian restaurant with the most awesome caramel pudding ever, and now the little patient and Grandpa are planting something called Grouch Beans, which is a seed packet with Oscar the Grouch on the outside.
We were supposed to go to Disneyland tomorrow, but my dad thinks it will be too crowded, this being spring break and all. So we're off on some other big TBD adventures.
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