For the Virtual Science Fair, bloggers are supposed to do some kind of science-based activity with their kids and write about it. Our science activity took place last Thursday, when we were still back in Illinois. We were enjoying stellar high temps in the 80s, so Nathan and I headed over to our nearby forest preserve for a walk. It's really called Izaak Walton Forest Preserve, but Nathan just calls it "Nature." As in, "Remember when we were at Nature and we saw those turtles?"
Anyway, here is Nathan at Nature:
He is carrying a bag of bread we brought to feed the ducks/geese, but unfortunately he ended up eating most of it himself:
- pine cones and other seed pods hold seeds that will hopefully plant new trees
- moss grows on a lot of tree trunks and logs
- when water combines with dirt it makes mud, and if there's enough water there will be a river (which usually happens later in the spring)
- in the spring, trees and plants grow new leaves and blossoms
I have to admit that science was not my strong suit in high school/college, which is too bad because as a parent I realize that most of a child's daily learning is science-based. Oh sure, we can be all annoying and force them to do worksheets and flash-cards to learn letters and numbers, but a lot of their play centers around learning basic scientific principles. For example, you drop a ball and it goes down. Or, if you dump water from a big container into a smaller one, some of it will spill out. Even Nathan's adorable question upon seeing a dog at the forest preserve jumping into the grossest lake ever, "How can a dog swim if it doesn't have any arms?" is science-based.
Science is all around us, and I know that's a lesson that WhyMommy is glad we're all learning today.
I thought about WhyMommy when I saw this budding plant at the forest preserve. Spring's ability to bring new life out of the dark, barren winter is a symbol of hope. Although my picture of the plant is admittedly blurry, I would still like to send this message of hope to WhyMommy. We are all thinking of you today, Susan.
1 comment:
This is beautiful! I love that your little guy calls it Nature. So cute. And my kids tend to eat the bread we are supposed to feed the geese too.
Thanks so much for taking part in the science fair!
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