I have ten minutes to type this. Then I have to pick Nathan up at camp.
I'm on my second cup of coffee for the day. And by the way, my cup holds like 20 ounces, so that's really like two cups in one. Except, I reuse the same K-cup and run it through a few times to get the 20 ounces, so maybe it's the same caffeine strength as an 8-ounce cup? I don't know the math and science behind coffee brewing.
I think I'm getting too addicted to caffeine. I used to not really need coffee, and sometimes I would just voluntarily order decaf in the morning. Then I got so I needed one cup, and now I'm well on the way to two. It's a slippery slope, my friends.
So, yesterday I think I was as perfectly disciplined as I could possibly be. I got up at 6:30, got in a bike ride at the forest preserve, got Nathan ready for camp, emptied the dishwasher, did like six hours of my freelance job (half with Nathan here, half without), did laundry, cooked all three meals at home, went to the pool, kept the house picked up, wrote a blog post, responded to some emails, and ended the day with half an hour of reading.
Who could keep up that kind of momentum every day? Not I, even with coffee.
This morning Nathan woke me up at 5:40, so there was no chance of doing any solo exercise before camp. But I did get a blog post in, plus a lot of mindless Internet-surfing. Nathan was a C-R-A-B because he woke up too early, so getting to camp was a battle, but once I dropped him off I went to the gym to swim laps for half an hour. You guys, that was an angry swim. I was mulling over some drama that's happening in my friend group, and I was kind of taking my anger out on the water. I thought I could just swim and swim forever, but then when I briefly stopped to change lanes so the aquacize class could start, I realized I was exhausted and had to stop.
I raced home, thinking I had to work on my freelance work, but there was an unexpected lull. So I talked to my husband for awhile, and made coffee, and now I'm typing this post.
Today we're going to the library, and then the pool. I don't know. I just found out I have more free time than I thought I would, so I haven't really made any plans.
Okay, time's up.
Sorry about the angry swim. I've been having some 'angry runs' lately too. But let me tell you - my pace is better and I run more when I'm running 'angry'....(Can you see I'm looking for the silver lining here!) :)
I do like that unexpected free time, myself. And not knowing what to do with it I will veg, which is usually just what I need. My goodness but your day sounded busy - I would need 2 20 ounce cups of coffee to do all that too! And with a smile! Thanks for coffee!
You are one busy gal...trust me it takes one to know one. Hope you find more of those lulls throughout the week...oh and that the little one sleeps past 6 a.m.
Have a great week, and thanks for coffee.
the days are l-o-n-g when the kids wake early and need amusing, aren't they? mind you, now my two are teenagers who sleep all the time and do their own thing when they wake, i confess i miss those long days... never satisified, am i?? thanks for coffee :)
ahhh, i think swimming is wonderful for a stress reliever and to relax, love to swim laps, wish i could on a regular basis!
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