I haven't linked up with Amy for Virtual Coffee in quite some time. So, good to see you all, coffee mates!
Speaking of Coffee Mate, I'm having my coffee for the first time today with a generic version of the non-dairy creamer, a light variety that I calculated to be 0 points on Weight Watchers, so long as I only use 2 teaspoons. (If you've ever been on Weight Watchers, you can sympathize with this hyper-calculating and hyper-measuring.) It's not as good as milk, but it's zero points, and as hilarious author Wendy McClure once said (and I'm paraphrasing here), you would eat a deep-fried baby panda if it were zero points on Weight Watchers. (I imagine it isn't zero points; pandas seem pretty fatty, and deep-fried anything isn't your friend on Weight Watchers.)
This brings me to my obligatory weekly weight-loss update, which this week is: EFFING 0.2 pounds. This time around my loss has followed a pattern of a big loss one week, followed by a tiny loss/maintenance/gain the next week, and repeat. I don't know if this pattern is due to actual changes in behavior (as in, shit, I didn't lose this week and I need to crack down), or if my body has chosen not to lose weight exactly according to the weekly Weight Watchers weigh-in schedule.
Whatever, blah, blah, blah boring Weight Watchers.
Here's a blurry cell phone pic of some gerbera daisies I bought yesterday:
Okay, that picture is terrible, but I show the daisies to illustrate the flower arrangement I "made" to go with my new simplicity kick.
Oh and look at this adorable necklace that Katie brought me back from Scotland! Isn't it perfect, since I spent the week watching her cat? And also because I love cats more than anything?
It's a celtic knot cat!
And here's my real cat, who is bored now that she doesn't have Katie's cat Fraidy to torment anymore:
I have to go now. I have to drop Nathan off at preschool, and then go to the gym, then Target, then laundry, and ... this sentence is so boring I can't even finish it.
Thanks for joining me for coffee!
I'm doing the zone diet and it's just as much of a pain as WW, so I hear ya!! Thanks for coffee!
So glad that you like the necklace, G!
Thanks for coffee today. I was actually having coffee at the same time although mine was not so WW friendly. I really like the necklace and the flowers. Hope you have a good day!
weight watchers *sigh* been there, done that, put back the weight *sigh again*
love the necklace :) and drop by to see my molly cat enjoying the fire - it's freeeeezing in the UK today!!
thanks for coffee :)
*sigh* My mom did/does Weight Watchers ad nauseum, hauling around measuring cups and spoons and her own food wherever she goes. I hate hate hate WW - and this time I'm having so much trouble losing weight that I might actually do it. I really don't eat that much , truly. I actually don't think I could eat less and get through the day. So I feel your pain with zero-to-no-loss. It makes me want a cookie.
oh man! I know how the weight loss frustrations go ;D I have thought about going back to weight watchers.... but ughh..... I can't quite commit.
Thanks for coffee!!!!
i had the exact same thing with WW...i figure that there 2 lb-per week thing is more of an "average". it probably takes your body time to lose and adjust. don't give up though! you'll make it!
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