Hosted by Amy from Lucky Number 13:
Last week I mentioned that my Keurig coffee maker is having a problem where it only brews a little bit at a time. I also mentioned that some online forums suggested hitting the back of the machine while it's brewing, and that many people had found success with this method. I was not among them, until I found the exact sweet spot to whack the thing to make it brew. I'm still not sure this is a permanent solution, and I don't like the idea of sitting there whacking a coffee maker every day, but at least I don't have to replace a $150 appliance.
You know, since I have to replace my $150 stolen bike. For those who didn't read on Sunday, my brand-new bike got stolen from my garage, in broad daylight, while I was home. I don't live in a high-crime area, but I guess bike theft is common around here. I wish I'd known that last week. Anyway, I feel like a sucker buying another bike, but I also realize that a new bike needs to be a high priority because bike season is so short here. And also I feel less guilty spending money where my fitness is concerned.
Let me move on to happier topics. Yesterday Nathan and I went to the beach with Katie. It was our first time using our pop-up sunshade tent that I got at Costco. I liked it so much better than an umbrella. It felt like we got our own little piece of property on the beach, which was a good thing because it was so crowded. Now, I have been going to this particular beach for awhile now, and I like it because the parking lot is close to the beach, which is a good thing when you have a whiny kid who doesn't help you carry anything. However, it turns out on crowded weekend days and/or holidays, this particular beach is a bit of a hangout for scantily-clad teenagers/early-twenty-somethings. We saw all manner of ill-fitting string bikinis, navel piercings, and tattoos. I felt like an extremely old person in my sensible Lands' End tankini, but I realize that I've always been the person in a frumpy bathing suit, even in my youth.
But, despite the fact that we seemed to be smack in the middle of MTV's Spring Break: Indiana Edition, we had a great time. Since Katie extended me the courtesy of not posting a picture of me in my bathing suit on Facebook, I will not put a picture of her on my blog, even though I think the picture is cute. But here's a picture of Nathan:
Here's another one:
This last one is a little bit blurry, but Nathan was practicing writing letters in the sand, so I had to post it for its wholesomeness:
How come all pictures taken on the beach come out so well? It's sort of like how all foods taste better when eaten on the beach. Sure, you get sand in your food, but that's part of the fun! You can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the California out of the girl.
You know what Katie and I ate (among other things)? Leftover jello/pretzel salad, which I always say is one of the foods I would eat for every meal if I found out I only had a short time to live. (The other food is the sweet potato casserole with marshmallows that you make at Thanksgiving. I'd probably eat some fries and hot fudge sundaes, too.) The jello salad is so good, the perfect combination of sweet and salty. It's made with everything good in the world, such as cream cheese, strawberries, and a lot of sugar.
In case you didn't figure this out already, I was a very bad Weight Watcher this weekend. I ate everything in sight. So, it's back to the grind today. I didn't go to the gym this whole three-day weekend, due to the gym's holiday hours, the gym daycare being closed, and just being busy/lazy. Now I feel like I'm in kind of a minor snit and could use some endorphins. Nothing in particular is upsetting me, I just feel sort of emotionally stopped up. You know, like I need to get some undefined, free-floating minor stress out.
I have an appointment with Trainer Jill this morning, and I am gonna have to cram in some cardio along with that. Then I hope we'll get to cool off at the pool before the thunderstorms come. The pool has been open for two whole days and we haven't gotten there yet. Usually I like to be there the minute it opens for the first time of the season.
And I think -- think -- summer is finally here. This morning I helped Nathan get dressed in his t-shirt and shorts, to be accompanied by flip-flops, and I took a moment to appreciate that I was not battling him over a coat or trying to find a missing glove. It's so much easier in the summertime.
Of course, I do have some responsibilities today. I have to finish my Beatles script and do the usual household stuff. And I mentioned yesterday that there might be some freelance work for me this summer, and I'm supposed to be answering the "What is your hourly rate?" question, which is yet another adult skill that I feel I must have missed the seminar on. (Other seminars I missed: "How to Apply Eye Makeup" and "The Right Thing to Say When Somebody Dies.")
Thanks for joining me for coffee! Hope everyone has a good Tuesday-That-Feels-Like-Monday!