Thursday, March 31, 2011

Does the Fun Ever STOP?!

The SPRING BREAK insanity continues!

Today was Nathan's first experience with legitimate theater, as Homer Simpson would say. We saw a live show called "Thomas Saves the Day." I kind of feel like the title was a little bit of a spoiler. At intermission they left us with a bunch of cliffhangers -- Percy was stuck in the mine! The bridge was out! No ships could arrive to the Island of Sodor for the Lantern Festival because the lighthouse was burned out! -- and then you were just wondering, Hmm, I wonder if Thomas will save the day? And you know he will, because that's the title of the show.

Otherwise I probably would have wondered if hard work and friendship would help the good guys save the day.

The thing about Nathan is, he is not an interactive participator. The actors in the show were trying to get the kids in the audience to clap along and make train whistle noises, but Nathan just sat there, questioning whether there was a real Island of Sodor and, if so, how the trains got here from there.

But I think he had fun:

And since all the other kids' parents had bought them these $15 light-up spinny things, I gave in, too:

After the show, there was a really long line of minivans waiting to get out of the theater. Instead of waiting in the line, we pulled into a combination Dairy Queen/Orange Julius. My post on Tuesday got me craving a strawberry Julius. I was worried that after 7 years the strawberry julius wouldn't live up to my expectations, but I was wrong.

Yeah, I photographed it

The froth inside the cup is the best part

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