Sunday, March 27, 2011

SuperIma Sunday Check-In: Wisconsin Edition

Greetings from Milwaukee! I really don't have any interesting travel updates because all we did yesterday was arrive, swim in the hotel pool, and eat dinner at Five Guys in the mall next door. Then Bill took Nathan for a quick trip to the video games and we all went to bed. Nathan had been up since 5:30 a.m., chomping at the bit to leave, and I had to keep explaining to him that we couldn't leave until Dad woke up, which ended up being at about noon. (Bill had been up all night the previous night working on a paper, though I don't know how an almost 40-year-old can pull an all-nighter.)

So, we're tired. It's 8:30 in the morning and we're heading out to eat breakfast, and then I guess there will be some video game time, and I hope we'll at least be able to see one Milwaukee-based attraction.

As a side note, although I wear my Speedo workout bathing suit a couple of times a week at the gym, yesterday was my first time pulling out my regular "recreational" bathing suit since August. While you would think this would be a degrading experience, and you would be right, there was the side bonus that the bathing suit smelled like sunscreen and the beach and summer, OMG summer. Which was a nice memory to evoke, because boy is it ever freezing here.

Anyway, onto my check-in! And go over and say hi to Leigh Ann after you read this, because she's still in the middle of her moving insanity!

So, you'll recall that last week I made a stupid "Chart of Responsibility" to remind myself of my key responsibilities. In essence, the point of the chart wasn't to nag myself to do things, but to remind myself that if I worked at each area of responsibility for an hour, I was free to stop feeling guilty and/or lazy. However, the chart kind of stressed me out. For one thing, there were more responsibilities than those on the chart, which makes sense because I have more than three hours' worth of tasks to complete daily. Except some days I got really busy/tired doing other tasks like laundry, errands, or cooking, and then I felt stressed out that I still had more "chart" activities to complete. So, boo to the chart. Chart FAIL.

For reference, here is my completed chart:

But whatever, I got all my lines memorized, though I'm still experiencing the occasional slip-up in rehearsal. (The show is still two weeks away, and during that time there are approximately 8,000 hours of rehearsal.)

At the gym, I managed to get in two swims, two treadmill workouts, two weight-lifting sessions, and one Spin class, so I think that's pretty good for only having gone five times.

Cleaning-wise, I got most of my house clean, and then it all got messed up again, and ... whatever.

My other goal was to get Nathan to bed at 7:00 every night and take the rest of the evening off. This new bedtime schedule is going pretty well, though the child falls asleep closer to 7:30 or 8:00 when it finally gets dark. (This does not bode well for bedtime in June and July.)

Oh, it looks like I have to go now, so let me quickly rattle off my goals for this week:

1. Finish reading a book.
2. Don't make any charts.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I have to say, I'm kind of obsessed with your chart. I might adopt it for myself.....

    I also love your goals for this week. I hope you have an incredible finish to your Wisconsin adventure!
