Tuesday, September 1, 2009

So let's see ...

On Sunday we took Nathan to this really cool train restaurant. And I was all prepared to try to come up with the most Weight Watchers-friendly meal this diner-type place could possibly serve. But then it occurred to me that there was no way I could really get something totally light, so in my skewed, hungry logic I decided I might as well go big or go home. So I got the grilled cheese on pretzel bread, which came with fries.

After that we went to a chocolate and candy factory. Unfortunately the factory tour was closed, so I consoled myself with the purchase of $14 worth of candy.

So Monday began my new life of discipline. I'm sick and tired of frittering away the day goofing around the Internet. I am stressed out by being late to everything. The boy is off his normal sleep schedule, and we're all staying up too late. Plus last week I didn't work out at all because the gym pool was closed, and I noticed I was getting stressed out by stupid little stuff.

Life of Discipline began yesterday. I got all my stupid morning chores (laundry, dishwasher) done the night before, so I was able to get the boy and myself out the door by 8:10 and into the gym when the daycare opened. And for once I actually finished working out and getting cleaned up in time to get the boy to his little nature class. We were more or less on time.

The boy threw a tantrum at the nature class because I wouldn't let him pick leaves off of plants. He was doing his usual screaming and hitting, and I was so embarrassed. It sucks in a class of 2-year-olds when yours is the only one acting like a 2-year-old. And yeah, yeah, I know, all those other kids must have their moments at some point.

Anyway, overall the nature class was a success. Next we went to the grocery store and got some things so the boy and I could cook together. The cooking was not so successful. The boy wanted to throw flour everywhere, and I don't handle that well. Like maybe I should say, "Oh, are you enjoying the textures of flour? It feels nice, doesn't it?" But instead I'm all, "Ohmygoshdidyoujustthrowthatonthefloor?!" And I got all stressed out, but somehow we made a pizza.

And then the boy refused to eat any of it. It drives me crazy how stressed out I get by that child. When he won't eat, and I'm fighting him to just have one bite, I just feel like such a huge failure. He is so stubborn. And then I have to step back and realize how stupid it is for a grown adult to get that upset over a toddler refusing to eat.

So I'm working on calming down. And sometimes I think the boy will back down with his fight when he realizes he isn't getting a rise out of me.

Okay, where was I?

Well, today was Day 2 of Life of Discipline. I wasn't as good today. I frittered around on the Internet too long and then didn't get to the gym on time. And then I didn't get to go in the hot tub like I had planned, because I had to get the boy to the haircut place. During the haircut he was much better behaved than he normally is during haircuts, but then afterward there was another tantrum because I didn't let him stay and play with the train table for longer than 10 minutes after the haircut. And then there was the screaming and the hitting. And I again felt like such a failure. He becomes like a little demon sometimes.

I was proud of the way I cooled down in the car, and I tried to have a little talk with the boy when he cooled down as well. We both moved on and then did a few more errands before going home to take naps.

I was too stressed out to sleep. After naptime I took the boy out and we did some finger painting. And I felt all Mother of the Year.

Anyway, that is a really boring summary of what has been going on with me. Basically I would say that I'm tired from getting back into working out, and stressed out from my new attempts at discipline. But I think both the working out and the discipline will pay off in the long run.

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